Why get involved?
– to support the work we do to educate and inspire people in making good deeds recurrently;
– to be part of a team you relate with;
– to back up the causes you consider important and that need your help;
– to help the least fortunate or to be there for those who get through the same problems you’ve been through;
– because you too believe that change is a result of two things: the number of people involved and the frequency of good deeds being achieved.
How does it work?
Sponsorship is the action by which two persons agree on the transfer of ownership of material property or financial means to support non-profit-making activities carried out by one of the parties, referred to as the sponsoring beneficiary.
The sponsorship of 20% of the income tax or profit tax is a tax facility provided by Law 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code as subsequently amended and supplemented, and regulated by Law 32/1994 as subsequently amended and supplemented.
Expenditure on sponsorship* shall be deducted from:
The income tax due at the level of the minimum of:
– the amount calculated by applying 0,75 % to turnover;
– the amount representing 20% of the income tax due.
Taxation on micro-enterprises’ income** up to 20% of the tax on micro-enterprises’ income due for the quarter in which they recorded the expenditure.
*- sponsoring expenses exceeding the minimum value shall be carried forward in the following 7 consecutive years, in the order of their registration, subtracting from the corporate tax due at the level of the minimum value, at each payment deadline for corporate tax
**– amounts not deducted from the income tax on micro-enterprises due shall be carried over to subsequent quarters for a period of 28 consecutive quarters. The deduction of these amounts from the income tax on micro-enterprises due during the next 28 consecutive quarters shall be made in the order of their registration, under the same conditions, at each payment deadline for the income tax of micro-enterprises.
What are the benefits of the 20% sponsorship?
- the liberty of picking the destination for an amount that otherwise would remain in the state’s accounts;
- contribute to a noble cause by way of a 100% transparent procedure, without any expense.
Why sponsor pastel Association?
- because you want to support the transformation of good deeds into a habit to which as many Romanians as possible would adhere;
- sponsorship is being deducted directly from the tax due , which means you can decide what you want to do with part of the money paid to the state;
- you have the benefit of tax deductions as required by law;
- the procedure is transparent. The firm has control and decides the destination of the funds.
- the sponsor or the beneficiary has the right to make the sponsorship known to the public by promoting the sponsor’s name, trademark and image.
How do you make a sponsorship?
You need a regular sponsorship form and then you need to transfer the sum:
– until the end of every trimester – for companies that pay the income tax for micro enterprises on a quarterly basis;
– until December 31st – for companies that pay the corporate tax on a yearly basis.