
Refresh Văcărești – May 2022

Refresh Văcărești, pastel Association’s May project, was about the largest urban park in Romania, about cleaning, waste materials and people reunited together to reshape this protected area and make it clean and fresh, just how it deserves.


Problem: the impact of waste on flora and fauna is extremely damaging, as the microplastic can be ingested by animals. Moreover, the construction waste is poisoning the water and the soil.

Solution: because we are very enthused when it comes to environmental issues, we chose to get involved in the cleaning of the park’s alleys with volunteers sharing the same values as we do.

Partners: Clean Recycle, Green Village, Tremend Software Consulting and Rosal were the companies that stood with us and financed the project. It also benefited from the whole support coming from the Văcărești Natural Park Administration. Our media partner was Prima TV.


What we have done through our partners, donors / Social Media influencers / channels through which we have promoted this project:

  • Over 60 volunteers have participated to the cleaning of Văcărești Natural Park on May the 28th.
  • We have managed to collect 6 tons of waste
  • The volunteers’ action started with a tour park, made by an internal guide, so all the people on the site could grasp the importance of the area’s conservation and to find out more details about the species and habitats.
  • In total we have benefited from 10 take-overs of our press release, pre or post event, in the written and audiovisual press.