
STARTedu – september 2022

STARTedu, the pastel Association project from September 2022, was our (successful) attempt to transform and tame the geographical isolation of 45 students from the C.A. Rosetti commune in Tulcea county.


The problem: C.A. Rosetti is one of the most isolated communes in Romania, the place where 3 schools serve 5 villages, and the only high school in the area is 102 km away. In addition, the commune is close to the war zone in Ukraine, a situation that amplifies the feelings of insecurity of its inhabitants..


The solution: To provide school supplies for 1 year, didactic and auxiliary material, so that they continue to be cognitively stimulated with new and interesting materials, to discover the pleasure of learning, to activate their curiosity, to stop measuring the way to and from the educational unit only through the things they don’t have. In addition, let’s equip the schools as well, so that they welcome their students more prepared.


Partners: The good people from Kaufland, Vard Electro Romania, Thinslices Development, MagnaPharm, BIC, Editura Galaxia Copiilor and Navrom Delta were close to us in this case.


What we did through partners, donors / Social Media influencers / the channels on which we promoted this project:

  • We donated, with the help of the project partners, over 3000 materials for the 45 students from the 3 schools in C.A. Rosetti.
  • We have provided the children with a wide range of school supplies from pens, lego, sketchbooks, geography maps, workbooks and interactive games.
  • For the schools, we donated cleaning products, maps, work boards, supplies etc.
  • The Kaufland Romania company donated over 1,300 materials to the children from the commune, enough for a year.
  • Navrom Delta helped us transport school supplies and other materials from Tulcea to Sulina, by water.
  • For our first aBUNat (subscriber), MagnaPharm, startEDU was the first cause they got involved in.


“May I hug you? I’m so happy” is the feedback that softened our hearts and the joy with which we hugged in turn was matched only by the satisfaction that we had so many good people with us and that we provided a natural start to the school year for children from C.A. Rosetti.